Saturday, November 28, 2009

{ Scenes From A Holiday Portrait Event }

Remember the first week of November? Warmer weather than we had in July! That was the weekend of the Holiday Family Portrait Event held in Verona this year. I always like to pick my favorite images to share, but keep in mind while you are looking at these images, that although everyone is wearing sweaters, etc. it was 70 degrees!! :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

{ Technical Difficulties }

I aplogize if you are trying to access your image gallery or the website. I am experiencing some technical issues, and am working on getting them fixed as we speak! Please be patient and hopefully everything will be up and running by tomorrow (Wednesday).

Thanks for understanding!


Saturday, November 21, 2009

{ More Fall Fun! }

I just cannot get enough of this georgous Fall weather! This family was thinking their November session would be cold, but they were all shedding their hats, coats, and mittens about 5 minutes afer we started. Jumping and running in the leaves is quite a workout!

Hopefully this fall weather will last until December and return again in January :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

{ Fall Portrait Party! }

Fall is such a great season...sometimes :)

This fall has been great for portrait sessions, warm and not a lot of rain.

This portrait party could have been held in the snow, but the weather was perfect! Not too much sun, warm weather, and there were still a few colorful leaves left. I love portrait parties because I can meet so many wonderful familes! This party was no exception...all the families were great, and I hope you all enjoy your images. Here are a few of my favorites...

Portrait Parties are a lot of fun! Familes get a great session for a reduced session fee, and the Host earns print credits towards their order just for hosting! For more information on Portrait Parties please see the website...or shoot me an email, I would be more than happy to answer any questions.

I am now booking for the 2010 Portrait Party Season, so contact me to schedule yours today!

Friday, November 13, 2009

{ Awaiting... }

This couple was so much fun to work with! In just a few weeks I will get to meet their little twins, and I cannot wait. I met them at the Agora Pavilion in Fitchburg, which I must say is a wonderful location for pictures. There are tall grasses, fields, paths, and a pond!

Mommy and Daddy-to-be, wanted something creative and unique for their pictures, so they put all their trust in me to create wonderful images for them. You may have noticed my new blog header...they are the couple in silouette (Love that image!).

There were so many great images that I could barley narrow it down to a few to post!

Introducing...Baby 'H'

Baby 'H' is the 4th little baby for this wonderful family! I love all these big families!! This is just one of my many clients who have 4 or more children. Soon enough I will be among these ranks as my husband and I plan on having a large family ourselves, however for the time being, I will get my baby fix when meeting all these beautiful babies :)

Baby 'H' slept pretty much the entire time, while from the basement we could hear shouts, laughing, screaming, and bangs from her 3 older siblings. Mom had bought a cute little hat and ruffle bottom, and Baby 'H' was a perfect little model.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

{ Fall Family & Doggy Too! }

I had the pleasure of photographing this little girl a few times this summer, and this time I got to photograph her, her mom, her dad, and the doggy! This was the first time for me working with a dog member of the family. It was fun, and pretty much like working with a toddler :)

Their pictures turned out great..Enjoy!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

{ What A Wonderful Weekend! }

Back in August, when I was planning a Holiday Portrait Event for November, did I ever imagine that the weather would be this georgeous!

I want to thank all the wonderful, fun, energetic families that met me on Saturday. Most of the families had all planned on wearing sweaters, hats, scarves, and because these were holiday portraits, were prepared to brave the cold, but Mother Nature had a different plan. Sweaters were worn and kids were sweaty. As soon as I said the words (We're all done) the kids had their sweaters off, and were running around in tank tops!

Sunday, another beautiful day, and once more I was able to work with some families who could not believe their good fortune of scheduling a November session with temps in the 70's. Ah, Wisconsin doesn't get much better. Let's all put this weekend in our memories, so that in a few weeks when the temp is below zero, and we are all shoveling our driveways, we can think back to this and really look forward to Spring!

I will have a ton of images to showcase here on the blog in the next few weeks, so keep checking back and enjoy the Fall!

Monday, November 2, 2009

{ October's Give-A-Way Winner! }

Congratulations to October's Give-A-Way Winner...Stacy!!

She has won a FREE 8x10 with her next portrait session.

*November's Give-A-Way*
$20 off your next Classic Portrait Session, this is perfect for new clients!!

If you would like a chance to be November's Winner, its simple :)
Check out the Crocodile Smiles Photography Facebook Group, and join...that's it!

Not only will you have a chance to win monthly give-a-ways, you will also be the first to receive notice of new products, special events, and happenings.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

{ Welcome to the World Baby "S" }

I had the pleasure of photography Baby "S" 's big sister when she was only a few weeks old, so I was very excited to meet and photograph 2 week old Baby "S".

He was oh so sweet, sleepy, and to his mom's delight, a mama's boy!

{ Another Beautiful Apple Orchard Session }

What can I say...Apple Orchards are the perfect setting for Fall sessions! The orchard gives the kids something to do, and the trees/barns/fields, are perfect backdrops. Little Miss "S" and her parents met me at the Orchard and we had a blast! One of the last warm days of Fall...