Friday, May 8, 2009

{ Welcome to the World Baby "C" }

Baby "C" gave everyone a surprise and decided to come 2 weeks early, so when Mom emailed me wondering if we could move up the session we had scheduled I was a bit confused. Just a week earlier she had said she was not worried about scheduling later in May, as Big Sister "M" had been late. Well, Baby "C" could not wait to meet his new family, and espcially Big Sister "M", she was so motherly, and had no problem holding his hand and giving him hugs and kisses.

It was a beautiful day, so we decided to go outside and take some family pictures. Everyone was having fun, and I told them to do kisses and hugs, and then as soon as Mom and Dad snuck in a kiss, Big Sister "M" got so embarrassed. This is one of my favorite images from this session, as it totally depicts every child's reaction when they see their parents kiss!

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