Friday, October 16, 2009

{ Limited Holiday Availability Left }

As you can imagine this time of year is extremely busy!! September through December are a blur...and January is time to catch up :)

If you have not yet scheduled your Holiday Session, do not wait, call today!!

Currently I only have a few days/times left in November and December.

Crocodile Smiles Photography will also be taking a Holiday Break from December 19th - January 8th to update the website and blog, update galleries, wrap up all the business stuff, and plan many fun and exciting events for 2010. I don't want to give too much away...but I am planning a great event for the end of January/beginning of February, I am working with another local mom to design some new custom products, and I will also be having the wonderful portriat events that were such a big hit this year (Pettiskirt Princess, Mother's Day, etc.)

If you have any ideas that you would like to pass along, I love hearing from everyone!

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