Monday, July 5, 2010

{ Happy B-Day Jameson...and America! }

Yes, my son Jameson turned 4 on the 4th of July! What a fun holiday weekend it was! For about the last year, Jameson has been asking to have a pool party for his birthday, and since it happened to be his golden birthday this year, we decided to go for it!

We rented out Glacier Crossing Pool in Madison, and invited all of Jameson's friends and family. We could not have asked for a more perfect day...not a cloud in the sky, warm temperatures, a pool, and lots of cake :)

Then of course we had our neighborhood bike parade, fireworks, and we took Jameson to see Toy Story 3. I am pretty sure that he was wiped by Sunday night, apparent from his falling asleep mid-sentence on the car ride home at 6:00pm.

Happy Birthday Buddy, and Happy 4th of July to everyone else!

Now, to start planning his sisters 2nd birthday for October... :)

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