Monday, September 20, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
{ Rainy Day Portrait Party }

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
{ And Still More Summer! }

This family, I have had the pleasure of working with since mommy was pregnant with baby #2, and big brother was still a baby himself. It always amazes me how fast kids seem to grow! We met at a Park in Middleton on a perfectly clear day and had fun running, playing, and more running, and more playing. These two little boys really keep their parents on their toes!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
{ Happy Birthday Miss 'S'! }

Monday, September 6, 2010
{ Still More Summer!! }

Next we have the 'H' Family, who I met at Vilas Park. It was a great day for a photoshoot, with the exception of the horrible mosquitos that decided to eat us alive! The kids did great though (with the help of those wonderful goldfish crackers), ah goldfish, what would we do with out you! I just love the image of mom and dad pointing at me and smiling, while their kids both look back at them, goldfish scattered around them. It just goes to show that not every picture turns out the way I envision, but sometimes I end up with something much better!

Still more to come...
{ A Little More Summer? }

After leaving the 'L' Family, I drove into Madison to meet the 'H' Family. Again, another wonderful family with very photogenic kids. I met them at Wingra Park, which is a place I had never had a session. I love photographing at new locations, so I was very excited to try out some new things. Thanks 'H' Family for being so willing to try new things, and get a little silly!
More summer sessions to come, stay tuned...