Monday, September 6, 2010

{ A Little More Summer? }

I know that the weather has turned cooler, and school has started and Christmas decorations are out in the stores, but I am still going to hold on to summer as long as I can...which is great, because I still have so many sessions from the summer to showcase!

Let's start with the 'L' Family. They were so much fun to photograph, and Big Brother was so good at listening and taking direction...can you say future model?! Little Sister ended up falling asleep, and we got some great shots right before the raindrops came.

After leaving the 'L' Family, I drove into Madison to meet the 'H' Family. Again, another wonderful family with very photogenic kids. I met them at Wingra Park, which is a place I had never had a session. I love photographing at new locations, so I was very excited to try out some new things. Thanks 'H' Family for being so willing to try new things, and get a little silly!

More summer sessions to come, stay tuned...

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