Sunday, July 12, 2009

{ Another Great Portrait Party! }

A few weeks ago, my 1st official SpokesMOM, Kelly, had a Portrait Party for all her friends! She called me a few days before, very worried that she was only able to get 5-6 families to come. I reassured her that we would still have fun, and I couldn't wait to meet everyone. Then...the day before her party, she called she was worried that she had too many families :) Kelly is the queen of talking me up, and she had scheduled 13 families to be at her party.

We had a blast!! Everyone was so nice, and so much fun to work with. Not one child cried the entire day, at least not while having their picture taken ;) Thank you Kelly for a wonderful day!

Here are a few of my favorite images from each family, I love all the different personalities that shine through in each image!

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