Friday, July 24, 2009

{ Upcoming Events! }

Some exciting events coming up!

1. Purple Goose Sidewalk Sale, Thursday & Friday, July 30th & 31st (10-6) and Saturday, August 1st (10-4). Not only is the Purple Goose having some amazing sales and deals, but I will also have a table, displaying some of my work, and will be having a drawing for a FREE PHOTO SESSION!! It doesn't get any better...great shopping and the chance to win a free session, just in time for the Holidays! For more information on the Purple Goose, visit their website,

2. All-Star Athlete Portrait Event! Similar to the Princess Portrait Event, except for BOYS!! More information and sample images to come in the next week, so keep checking back :) Event will be held in Septemeber

3. Holiday Mini-Portrait Event! It seems early, I know, but the Holidays are just around the corner. Save the date!! On Saturday, November 7th, I will be holding a Mini-Portrait Event geared for those special Holiday pictures. More information to come in September.

Join the Crocodile Smiles Photography Group on Facebook!!
Now is the time to join the group, not only do you receive up-to-date news and information, but at the end of August I will randomly choose 3 group members to receive 25 free Holiday/Christmas Cards with their Fall Session.

Simply search Facebook for 'Crocodile Smiles Photography'
I love giving stuff away, and I plan on doing more contests through Facebook, so join, and enjoy!!!

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