Friday, August 27, 2010

{ First Day of School! }

Well, it's finally happened. My little baby has grown up and become a "School-ager"!!

This week was filled with Parent Meetings, Open Houses, School Supplies, Lunch Packing, going to bed early/getting up early, more parent meetings/forms/paperwork, but in the end it was all worth it, to see my son wave good-bye to me with a smile on his face, and then be sad that its Friday, and he won't get to go to school for "2 whole days, that's a long time mommy."

I think my favorite part of this week, was when my daughter wanted to be in the pictures, and she was jumping up and down with as much excitment as her brother...I think she is not so secretly glad to have me all to her self, and even more glad to have space from a brother who constantly picks on her ;)

So begins the journey of the rest of his life!

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