Friday, June 26, 2009
{ Pettiskirt Princess Update - NEW COST! }

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
{ Pettiskirt Princess Sign - Up Now Open! }
For more information, see post below...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
{ Pettiskirt Princess Portrait Event! }

Saturday, June 20, 2009
{ Baby "I" is 6 Months }

{ TEAM Crocodile Smiles- Update }
If you would like to be a part of TEAM Crocodile Smiles, you can register for The Madison Mini Marathon or 5K at http://www.madisonminimarathon.com.
As part of TEAM Crocodile Smiles you will receive a FREE Tek shirt to wear during the race, as well as a $20 print credit on your next order with Crocodile Smiles Photography!! What could be better?!
Friday, June 19, 2009
{ Portrait Party Season }

Monday, June 15, 2009
{ First Steps }
Little "E" won't be 1 until next week, but he is ready to go...somewhere, anywhere. I should have worn my knee pads, as I was crawling all over the place, trying to keep up with this little guy! I have taken portraits of "E" since he was in mommy's tummy, and it has been so fun watching him grow up.
I have to give "E's" parents a plug here...they are the wonderful people who keep my hair looking so great! If any of you are in need of a great hairstylist check out A.L. Studios. Their website and info can be found at http://www.mysalononline.com/alstudios
I am sure that once "E" grows a little bit more hair, his hair will always be stylin'
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
{ Pettiskirt Princess Update }
My best advice is to bookmark the blog and check back in every few days.
The latest word is...I received the pettiskirts a few days ago. I am currently in the process of taking some sample pictures so that I can post a few of the images. This way you will have an idea of the type of images I will be capturing of your child during this event. I can't wait for you to see them, they are sooo cute. I also got some great props to go along with the pettiskirts, i.e. parasols, and a tea set!!
When I have a set date for this event I will post all the information along with a day and time that scheduling will begin. Since I have a strange feeling that this event will fill up extremely fast, all sessions will be booked in order of contacting me. I will also create a waiting list.
I think that is it for now. If you have any other questions you are always welcome to leave a comment or email me directly. melissa@crocodilesmilesphotography.com
{ Another TEAM Crocodile Smiles Member }
For everyone else reading this thinking I can't run, or more likely I HATE running, you do not have to run, you can sign up and walk the 5K, trust me, you will not be the only one!
Register soon, so that I can get your shirt ordered!
For more information on the race check out the website http://www.madisonminimarathon.com
Good Luck!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
{ Introducing...Baby "M" }
Baby "M"'s mom and I met in college, seems like forever ago, and recently met up again at the Baby Expo. I was so excited to see her and her new little bundle...with the cutest hat ever! I had to take some pictures with this hat on, and luckily it still fit. One of Mom's friends had made this little hat for her and all of their friends who had babies all around the same time.
Baby "M" did wonderfully at her first photo session, and I can't wait to watch her grow!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
{ TEAM Crocodile Smiles- Update }
The TEAM Crocodile Smiles shirts are eco-friendly tech tees. High quality and perfect for running or walking :)
Once more people register, I think I will have you all vote on the color of the shirt, since I just can't decide.
Congrats to Michelle Teteak for becoming the first TEAM Crocodile Smiles member!
Keep checking back for updates!!
{ Fun with Water, at the Capital }
These kids were a blast to work with! And once we found the water fountain, or bubbler, as I grew up calling it, they were in heaven. Mr. "R" thought it was so cool to play with the water and spray it everywhere, and Miss "M" loved being in control of when the water came out.
Lucky for me, I get to see these kiddos again in a few weeks, along with all the cousins and grandparents. I am looking forward to it! Enjoy your images Mom & Dad ;)
Monday, June 1, 2009
{ TEAM Crocodile Smiles }
Date: Saturday, August 29th at 7:00 AM
You can choose to register for either the Half Marathon or 5K, and you do not have to be competitive, unless you want to be :)
Information on the race itself and registration can be found at:
Registration is limited, so sign up early! It looks as though it will be a FUN race...Starts and Ends at the Memorial Union Terrace, and there will be local bands playing along the course.
What you get: If you decide to be a part of TEAM Crocodile Smiles, you will receive a Crocodile Smiles T-shirt TO WEAR DURING THE RACE, and a $20 print credit on your next order!!!
Once you register, email me your name and T-shirt size, and I will be in contact. To be a part of TEAM Crocodile Smiles you need to register and contact me before July 31st, 2009, as I need enough time to order the shirts!
Keep checking back for updates on Team Members!